Your mind.
the most powerful part of you
is under attack.
Your perception
the way you see this reality
is a lie.
Your free will
the actions you take each day
are being controlled.
Psychological operations
aka ‘psyops’
is an attack your mind,
your perception,
your free will.
in politics and religion
and mainstream media
is in full force
right now ~
The only way
to conquer the planet
is to conquer the mind
and after 2 centuries of planning
and plotting
their end game ~
is here.
So which is it that you read?
What is it that you believe?
Who do you trust?
In this war we have evolved into
- the war on humanity
- the ‘awakening’
it’s your MIND that needs healing.
You must push your ego aside
and heal your MIND.
Ditch the news,
and mainstream media.
Remove yourself from politics,
and all religions.
Burn the Bible,
tear up the Torah,
rise above the Kybalion.
YES, even the hermetic principals ~
are part of the plot.
To date
BILLIONS have died
from world wide psyops
- where is Jesus?
- why pray to Krishna?
- who elected Trump?
All psyops
to keep you from truth.
Learn the truth
about truth
for only the truth ~
will set you free.