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Writer's picturesheenaalexandra


Updated: Nov 9, 2024

To understand my current perspective, please first watch this video on anger and healing.

Friends - it’s been 10 days of isolation in the middle of England for me. MooMoo & I are healing nicely in the silence, and this new place is helping me sort out my emotions and get clarity for my next chapter. This is a big process for me right now and I will be a completely new person once this is all over with.

I believe it will take years to heal from this situation with Jules Crown (my old bestie / side kick) who sells the structured water devices, and my #twinflame RA as she knows HOW MUCH I like him, and she also knows that this is the first person that I’ve liked in several years

…AND she also knows intimately how I am still healing from the breakdown and abuse from my family due to the unlawful estrangement of my daughter by my ex via parental alienation. #parentalalienationawareness

The betrayal I feel from this current situation with Jules Crown is so immense that I’m having a hard time digesting it.

This has nothing to do with jealousy, so why am I so angry?

Why is the betrayal so deep, deeper than my family’s betrayal?

It has to do with the simple fact that you CHOOSE your friends wisely. You NURTURE friendships over time, with the intent to move forward peacefully without the fear of loosing them, or the friendship.

The issue I have is not stemmed around money, or the unknown reason that broke our connection…

It has to do with three things:

 1. We were business colleagues participating in the creation of the new Earth and I have been promoting her, and her water device product, (through interviews, content creation and lead generation) for free for over four years. Where is the respect for the time and energy I have spent on promoting her, the inventor of the product, and their client success stories?

 2. She dumped me as a friend and FB audience follower AND blocked me on all channels abruptly without any warning, or reason - which is emotional abuse.

 3. She has taken a high level intel contact of mine (RA) that I have protected and carefully nurtured over the past 2 years (in private) - and is now using him, and his knowledge, to share to her audience on LinkedIn and Facebook. Most ‘journalist’ don’t steel resources from others, they share them.

In other words - Jules Crown has cut me out of her life because RA is someone who holds much more power than me in terms of knowledge and intelligence. He is a high level elite that knows the secrets of this world and she is now a doting follower of him, instead of me. She cut me off to follow him (without me knowing) and it’s THIS that I am so angry with.

There was no respect by Jules Crown through this process. Her actions feel vindictive.

As an investigate journalist, I have spent years (thousands of hours worth of research) and have endured severe mental and emotional pain and trauma to get to where I’m at - talking to you in front of the camera about our solutions to this war we face (#Agenda2030 & #Agenda21)

In addition, over the years of being a world traveler, I have built up my courage and confidence which has shaped my strong personality of who I am today - the person you see on screen. I am well liked by many people, both online and offline - for a reason. I’m not bragging when I say this, but I am popular at parties.

Despite the fact that I can befriend and talk to pretty much anyone on this planet (because of my charismatic personality) - I don’t have a lot of close friends because I’m a very private person and I am selective with whom I share my time and energy with. I am single and have been living on my own inside this reality for over 10+ years, which is why I am currently on the road and seeking a community to evolve with.

The intensive healing that happened because my painful divorce in Australia (on my own with no support, or guidance), is the very reason why I am an investigative journalist. It’s the very reason why I chose to speak out publicly about the plot, and it’s the very reason why I am connected with both Jules Crown and RA.

Jules Crown was the first friend I made in 2020 when Covid arrived. As soon as the events started to unfold, she reached out and we became friends. Over the years she became a close friend. She was one of a handful of people I trusted and cared for in Australia. I traveled to see her in Sydney on many occasions - which would result in a 3 hours round trip.

…she was one of a very few people who was in my inner circle of intel about the plot,

….and she was the only one I opened up to about the intiment details of my #twinflame connection with RA, which is something I’ve also kept private.

The fact that Jules Crown approached me to be my friend in 2020, used my investigative intel to strengthen her mind during the Covid era, and is now communicating directly with RA (a high level contact that I’ve kept private for a reason) about the plot after blocking me on all channels - shows a complete disregard and disrespect for all the work I’ve done as an investigative journalist.

Jules Crown has used the ‘soft skills’ of my personality and intelligence that I’ve developed over my lifetime to evolve herself, which is what my foundations goals goals are - to help humanity evolve from the important knowledge I share. This is why I talk so openly about it.

…however now my good nature towards humanity has been abused - by one of my best friends and trusted colleges

AND my life path and purpose of being an investigative journalist has been highjacked as she is following RA for intel now, instead of me.

In this process of ending our friendship and befriending RA for intel and for promoting his content - Jules Crown has disrespected me by:

 1. ending a 4 year business relationship where I regularly promoted her structured water device to leads through interviews & content creation.

 2. blocking me on all channels (for no reason) which is abuse. The silent treatment is emotional and mental abuse.

 3. stealing a high level intelligence agent (RA) that I use for my own investigative research about the plot.

I have now been disrespected by a close friend with no path to resolution, and no respect to my personal path of how I became an investigative journalist….and it’s THIS that has me so very angry.

The anger I have towards Jules Crown is SO immense, which is something I’ve never felt before. It comes in waves and it’s changing me as a person. My heart has hardened and I’ve lost trust and my desire to help others through this evolution. This video here explains exactly how I feel.

I will be closing this chapter as investigative journalist because of this situation that has unfolded with Jules Crown and RA….

AND if I don’t get an apology from Jules with an intent to correct this situation (by removing all connections with RA) - I will dedicate my time exposing her disrespect towards me to ensure her financial stability becomes impacted. I will let the inventor of the water device know that in this process of exposing Jules Crown for who she really is - I will likely impact his company’s future product sales.

I see now how her actions (over the time we have been connected), have been calculated. Jules Crown was never in this friendship for life (which are ALWAYS my goals), she was in this connection until her needs got met.

My kindness has been disrespected; the betrayal by humanity is intense.

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